Kamis, 28 April 2016

The Seduction of Pseudoknowledge (Relativity free of Folklore #8)

The Seduction of Pseudoknowledge (Relativity free of Folklore #8) Read By Felix Alba-Juez

Title:The Seduction of Pseudoknowledge (Relativity free of Folklore #8)
Author:Felix Alba-Juez
Format:Kindle Edition
Page:52 pages

This e book corresponds to the Epilogue for the printed book entitled Galloping with Light Einstein, Relativity, and Folklore , and is the last in the e Series entitled Relativity free of Folklore.Because you deserve than just folklore and because relativity and subjectivity are completely different animals, you will find in this e book a list of warning signs to This e book corresponds to the Epilogue for the printed book entitled Galloping with Light Einstein, Relativity, and Folklore , and is the last in the e Series entitled Relativity free of Folklore.Because you deserve than just folklore and because relativity and subjectivity are completely different animals, you will find in this e book a list of warning signs to be aware of, so you can distinguish between science and pseudoscience You will find as well the answers to the following intriguing questions 1 Why are pseudoknowledge and in particular conspiracy theories so seductive to most of us 2 What is the difference between Relativity and Subjectivity 3 Why many renowned intellectuals in the last 50 years have defended the preposterous idea that the notions of reality and truth are mere linguistic and social constructs 4 Why is knowledge so intimately related to language 5 How can we distinguish Science from pseudoscience The fact that the reader may not have a scientific education does not mean that s he does not have the intelligence to understand profound concepts as long as they are presented with semantic and epistemological clarity After all, Einstein said that Science is simply the refinement of our intuition and everyday experiences

thumbnailTitle: The Seduction of Pseudoknowledge (Relativity free of Folklore #8)
Posted by:Felix Alba-Juez
Published :
Rating: 4.1
Reviewer: 9292 Reviews

This e book corresponds to the Epilogue for the printed book entitled Galloping with Light Einstein, Relativity, and Folklore , and is the last in the

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